The Vulgord’s Tower Kickstarter is Live!

 In Game Updates

Help Us Fund the Game for Added Features and Content

We’ve been anxiously awaiting this moment! We’ve just launched our Kickstarter campaign for Vulgord’s Tower.

You can help give our campaign its initial boost by making your pledge at the link below:

We welcome whatever amount you can donate!

Right now, how much you donate isn’t as important as the difference you’ll make to our campaign by helping us reach that key 30% goal within the first 24 hours!

Once you have done that, it would mean the world to us if you’d spread the word by sharing our campaign with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.

You can make a HUGE difference with just two clicks!

Thank you so much for your support.



PS: It would be great if you would forward this link to friends, family, co-workers, and anyone you think would be interested in becoming a backer. The more the better! Here’s the link again:

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